I think this was originally...a clock tower?

Bottom third of this image was originally a desert vista of some sort...I think.

Safety pin.

Top 2/3 of the image is self-explanatory; it's a well.

Trying to remember what the bottom 2/3 was originally. A corkscrew, I think.

This is pretty much like the original. I just replaced the sky and made it more dreamlike.

A lit matchstick.

Original image was of a dinner set, which included some plant decoration, so I just took that.

Pepper grinder.

Bottom third is (some of) the original.

Traffic cone.
A colleague of ours who goes by the username, "davescm," over in the Adobe forum does a fun challenge of sorts called, "Something for the Weekend," where he challenges us to take an image and do something with it. These are a few of my attempts. I've added captions to each image for the object or image we originally took from Dave so you can get an idea.